• Pardon the dust while the boys rebuild the site.

    The board will be in a state of disarray as I get things sorted out, for a little while at least.

    The new incarnation is using Xenforo as the system software. It is much like what we are used to, with a few differences. I will see about making a FAQ to help point out the differences for the members.


    One IMPORTANT difference for all of us old timers is that the 'mail' system is replaced with what are called 'conversations'/

    There is no 'Inbox' or 'Out box' or 'Sent' folders anymore.

    Think of Conversations as private 'threads' or topics that don't exist in a forum, that you start with another member. NOTE: Conversations can include more than one member if you or someone else in the conversaion, likes.
    Takes a little getting used to but I am sure you all can get a hang of it.


    Only a slightly modified default default Xenforo style is available for now. Once the new SAG style is ready it will be available.

    All existing users should be able to login with their usernames and passwords once the site goes up.


    If anyone has difficulties logging in please contact me at sixthvanguard@gmail.com.


    Thank you for your support and patience. I know it has been a loooong road.


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Lost Records

Company Commander
I ordered a Marius figure from him several months ago. Payed 40 $. In the beginning communication was fine and he said he had shipped the figure. After waiting for about 4 weeks it hadn't showed up so I talked to him and he said it was insured so he could send a new one. From this point communications just got worse and worse. It could take weeks for him to respond and he was blaming "health issues".
After he had sent I think two new figures after the previous ones had "dissapeard" he dissapeard too.

About a mont ago I finnaly got in touch with him and he told me had sent a new one (the 3rd or 4th). But still no figure arrive so I write to him that I want my money back. I haven't got a response yet.

I have never had any problems getting stuff here (Sweden) so I think he's just scamming me.
irish 70

I have only ordered from him once and the the order was all mixed up. It was for two nudes, several head sculpts and a few items I could use for my Afrikaners. I only got three things I asked for, no figures no head sculpts and got stuff I had no use for. Tried to contact him through this board that was a no go, E-mailed got a response but nothing happened. he also claimed health problemsis why he mixed the order up.
You can get his E-mail address at the Sixth Division board by looking up his bio. Good Luck.
I was once told by my father "A man is as good as his word" and Irish 70 fails in the category.............Hammer
early spring, a guy over at s.a.g. wanted a marius figure i had on my trade list,he offered to pay cash.at my request he sent payment to tony via paypal where i redeemed it in credit,that way tony gets a sale and i get a figure.sounds great doesnt it? well i send this gentleman his figure,he happens to reside in sweden by the way.some weeks later he tells me he never received it,so a bit jerked i go and buy him a new one and mail it out.some weeks later i get an email saying'where is my figure? and that was followed by several more emails that wernt so pleasent. are these figs getting caught up in customs on his end secondary swasticas?is he trying to amass a tank crew at my expense?i dont know either,but i do know that im not sending this guy another f#^%ing thing.now he is trashing me on the sag!so please guys,dont think less of me.i really think this guy is trying to take for a thrid figure
I can tell you I haven't recieved a single figure from you.

And I'm definately not trying to scam you. So if this would have ended up in customs I'm pretty damn sure they would have sent it to me. As said I've never had any problems getting stuff here, and I don't think anyone else from Sweden has. (Some may have ended up in customs, but they send it to the receiver with added tax).

So, how did three figures disappear? It's my words against his:
I haven't got a single one of them, and he sais he has sent them.

But the worst thing is the lack of communication from irish70's side. It could take weeks for him to respond. Know this if you ever want to deal with him. (I know I won't).
i sent you that package twice,and i will not again.i dont belive a word your saying. i also feel i shouldnt be banished to the cooler because this 14 year old kid is trying to assemble a case of figures at my expense.i been around these boards for a long time,too long for this. if my name is not taken out of the cooler and this 14 year olds word is taken over mine then ban my ass
first off Irish relax , second there's other people who have chimed in with other problems , some public ,others in private , also this could be something as simple as a wrong address , i had a customer in China i sent the same order too 3 times before it was realized that the addy i was sending it too was wrong , it took over 4 months for packages to be returned to me , and the poor guy in China was out extra money for the shipping , i ask both of you to give the postal service more time to see if that is in fact the problem , also Irish please refrain from swearing , it does not help the situation , and Irish if you could show reciepts for shipment , it would do a lot .
BTW Irish ,i have tried to contact you 3 times since this whole thing started , to see what might be going on , i received no replies , you dissapeared from the this board , but was regularly posting on another , if you want to be banned , thats your choice , that is not what i want , or the rest of the administration wants .
and for lost records ,Irish has been apart of these boards for along time , he has never as far as i know had a problem with anyone up till now , your fairly new to this board and need to show a little restraint before throwing out accusations of "scamming" .
i personaly have had a few dealings with Irish and never had the slightest problem.
for the record jakob , did you order this figure from Rich ? or did you order this from store on 44 ??? there seems to be some discrepencies in your story , i just want it cleared up .
Panzerwerk, according to irish's instructions I sent the money to a store owners paypal address. Sorry for not being clear with this in original post. He (irish) told me he had recieved them.

Irish: Do you think I have less credability just cause I'm younger than you? You're the one being childish with all this swearing. And it has been impossible to contact you...

So can you please show these slips, which says you have shipped it. I also want to see those insurance slips.

I sincerely hope this all clears up.

Edit: I checked the original pm's and the address I submitted is definately the right one.
Edit: I checked the original pm's and the address I submitted is definately the right one.

the shipping issue is not with you , that was directed to Rich , second , if you paid store on 44 , it seems to me ,the issue is with store on 44 , and not Rich personaly , have you tried to contact the store that you sent the money too ???

and sadly Age has been a huge factor in fraud cases in this hobby ,we have had many teenagers come into this hobby and pull scams , and claim just like you to be on the up and up , only to find out later they were thieves , im not saying this is the case with you , but you can understand some peoples reluctance to just accept your word , as i said before Irish has been a respected member of this community for much longer then you , i do find it hard to belive he did not as stated send you the figure , however , we have had some oldtimers go bad too , i learned a long time ago not to take sides unless there is proof in one's claims , Irish should have a shipping reciept or a record of such , i keep all my shipping reciepts for this very reason , ive been through this on several occasions with customers , and ive always had that reciept to scan and send them showing i shipped the item .

BTW jakob , next time for your own safety , you should pay for trackable shipping , there no more secure way to know what the post is doing to your packages , i never guarentee overseas shipments unless they are sent via fedex or UPS , or another shipper who the package never leaves thier hands except for passing customs .
Irish: Do you think I have less credability just cause I'm younger than you? You're the one being childish with all this swearing.

dont like harsh language? how about this..kiss my ass i sent that figure twice , have you even checked with your countrys customs yet? there isnt a snowballs chance in hell of me sending you a thrid figure
For what it's worth, I've delt with Irish 70 dozens of times, as recently as today and have never been dissapointed. In fact I often get more than I expect, he is quite generous with extra items.
I have dealt with Rich many, many times. I've probable gotten more stuff from him for free than he actually charged me for.

Being a personal friend of Rich, I my be a wee bit bias to his side of the story, but as for his medical issues, there were many times that I wondered how he even could stand on his own, never mind walking in the door.

Also, Rich would never, ever put Tony's Toys on the spot over an issue of a figure or two. Tony's is our "base of operations" sort of speak, so it's extremely unlikely that any of us would involve Tony in any kind of fraudulent dealings.

I stopped trading overseas because of issues like this and the time that it takes things to get delievered. It's hard to control what happens to the packages we ship once they leave our shores.
Okay, here is the bottom line...

I don't know or have ever dealt with EITHER party so I am unbiased completely...

To resolve this we need "Irish70" to show some sort shipping reciept that will immediately remove him and this issue from this section... I would hope that reciepts would be something folks would hang onto whenever dealing with items shipped, at least until they know said item has arrived... This is the ONLY way I can see this whole mess straightened out... I sell ALL the time on eBay and to members here and keeping reciepts of mailing (at least) from the Post Office as common sense practice, even with folks I know well and am friends with to avoid ANY sort of issues...
Short of that it's all finger pointing and for all the years I worked as a cop, age didn't mean squat, it was put up or shut up... That's it...

"Lost Records" you made your point, there is no need for you to add to this... Chalk it up as a "Hard learned lesson" and MOVE ON!!! ALSO you might want to consider your item may have actually been hung up by Post or Customs, it DOES happen and quite often... You might want to check with both Bureaus on your end as well... Aside from this nothing else can be done...

"Irish" you know what you need to do to clear this... As soon as you can do it, it's done...
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